Resolutions – Keep or Delete

ny resoWe talked at the beginning of last year about how to make your resolutions last throughout the whole year. How did you do? I’ll be honest, I didn’t do great. I lost track of all the things I wanted to accomplish in 2014 and only got a few done here and there, but I wasn’t consistent.

I want to help you avoid this as we begin 2015. Hopefully, I’ll heed my own advice and be more successful with my own resolutions this year as well.

My big advice this year is to just be reasonable with yourself on your goals. No one benefits from making a list of 10 things they want to change about themselves in a year, you walk away unhappy with who you are and that’s not ok. Focus on 1 to 3 things that will make your life better overall and make a plan of how you will implement small changes into your day-to-day life to accomplish them. Baby steps are still steps moving forward and in the right direction so don’t get upset with yourself that changes isn’t happening overnight.

Lastly, I want to leave you with this: Go easy on yourself. Let’s make 2015 a year of self-acceptance. Change what you will make your life better but at the end of the day, be happy with who you are.

Fave Five Nadia

Motivation Monday V. 3

Today’s image begs the question, one year from now what will you wish you had started today? Two of my goals for this year were to learn to sew and to re-learn French. I know without a doubt, a year from today I will wish I had started earlier. So I will. Today, I signed up for a beginner’s sewing class at a local fabric store, and I downloaded the Duolingo app to help me work on my French.


What about you?

Fave Five Nadia

Belated Motivation Monday + New Tunes Tuesday

Since I opted to share a Cinco de Mayo recipe instead of doing Motivational Monday yesterday, I wanted to make it up to you by doubling up today! So here is your weekly motivational AND a new song that has me ready for summer!

I'm definitely guilty of this but I'm working on it!

I’m definitely guilty of this but I’m working on it!



What’s your favorite new song?

Fave Five Nadia

Introducing: Motivation Monday

Hello Modern Marthas!!! This week we are going to roll out new, daily topics. Starting with Motivation Monday! Each Monday I’ll share a new phrase, saying, quote, etc. that I found inspirational in helping me reach whatever goal I have for the week.

Whatever goal you have for yourself this week, I hope you find today’s image motivational. It certainly spoke to me and situations I’m currently going through.

good for great

What’s your favorite motivational saying?

Fave Five Nadia