Work Happy Hours!

It’s Friday afternoon, it’s been a long, stressful week – time to happy hour it up right? Absolutely! But there are a few things you should keep in mind when drinking 2-for 1’s with co-workers.

Loosen up and have some fun, but leave the loose lips at home. When you are trying to connect with your co-workers or just let loose and relax – you tend to open up and chat more than normal. That’s great! Just leave the work talk, any intimate/personal situations, or embarrassing facts out of the convo. You’re still getting to know these people so keep professional boundary lines in place until you can feel out the relationship. The last thing you want is to go into work Monday wondering who’s looking at you differently now, and not in a good way.

Drink but don’t DRANK. You know what we mean ladies, keep it classy. There is no quicker way to give yourself a bad name or reputation then getting “messy” when out with co-workers. Remember, while they may all be enjoying a beverage or two – these people are your professional peers or even superiors. The girl dancing on tables or worse yet, puking in the corner, is not the image you want to ingrain in their brains of you.

Ideally, you want to be the social butterfly that flits from group to group getting to know your colleagues better in a social situation without being the loud, obnoxious drunk girl or the reserved, silent judger talking to no one. Show them just how awesome you are in and out of the office.

What rules do you abide by when out with co-workers?

Visiting Someone’s House for the 1st Time

Sometimes visiting someone’s home for the first time can be nerve-wracking. For example, your significant other is bringing you home to meet his parents – talk about a lot of pressure to impress! So what can you do to be a gracious houseguest? There are a few simple things you can do to really shine!

  • Don’t come empty handed! Even a small token of your appreciation for being invited to someone’s home can make a big difference in their eyes. My go-to gift is a bottle of wine or homemade dessert – these are always crowd pleasers!
  • Ask if you should remove your shoes. It might sound silly, but you never know what people’s preferences are. I grew up in a no-shoes house, but not everyone’s home is like that. The best practice is to just make sure before you start traipsing through someone’s home with your dirty shoes on!
  • Offer to help set or clear the table. Your hosts most likely won’t let you lift a finger but offering to help will definitely be appreciated.
  • Don’t be afraid to share a compliment or two. People love to be told that they have a beautiful home – but make sure you don’t overdo it! If you compliment too much, it could seem disingenuous or creepy.

Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be sure to be a new favorite houseguest!

What are some of your rules for visiting someone’s home for the first time?

Texting vs. Calling

Not sure when a text just isn’t sufficient and a call is needed? Let us help you figure it out!

I’m sure you’ve noticed that actual phone calls have gone by the wayside and texts have become the main mode of communication. But that doesn’t mean that’s the way it should be in every situation.

Here are a few occasions where a call should be made instead of a text:

  • Anything-related to work: that should need no further explanation, put your professional pants on and call when it relates to work – texts are not appropriate here.
  • Dating: When you are getting to know that special someone, actual conversations are of the essence – which can only properly happen in person or via phone call. Too much can be misinterpreted via text and misunderstandings are not what you want to have in the beginning when you’re laying the groundwork for a potential relationship.
  • Arguments: or any important discussion that requires a back and forth conversation should ideally be done in person but when that’s not an option – than a phone call is the next best thing.

Am I missing anything? When do you think a call is warranted over a text message?

Thank You Cards: A Lost Art

Modern Girl's Martha Thank You CardsHave you recently received a birthday present? Has a friend helped you move? If you’re lucky enough to have great people in your life that give you gifts or lend a helping hand when you need it, the least you can do is give them a proper thank you!

In today’s digital world, simple things like thank you cards seem to have lost their luster. But if you think about it… how much more exciting is it to receive actual mail?? Writing and sending thank you cards is somewhat of a lost art but it is such an easy and inexpensive way to let people know how much you appreciate them. Trust me, you don’t have to get mushy and overly emotional in these cards… it truly is just the thought that counts.

You never know when someone will do something nice for you so it helps to be prepared by keeping a small stash of thank you cards. In fact, cards with blank insides are even better – use them for any occasion when you’re in a pinch… forgot to buy a wedding card for your friend but the event is in 15 minutes? …Christmas is days away and you didn’t pick up any cards? Having a few generic cards at the house can be so helpful when life gets in the way of your good intentions. Next time you see a pack of cute cards on sale – grab them! Never know when you’re going to need them!

Just remember… people don’t always love helping you move or paint… but telling them “thank you” in a more formal way can easily make them feel like it was all worth it. Taking the time to thank them for their time and effort can go a long way… and don’t forget – they’ll be much more likely to help again in the future!

What are some of your tips for showing people your appreciation for what they do?

Modern Girl's Martha Miss Manners

Think Twice Before You Post Pt. 1

 Are you a social media lover? Who am I kidding – aren’t we all! The key with social media is to know when to post, and when to keep it to yourself. Over-sharing is becoming quite the epidemic and we all know someone (if we aren’t that person) that has had it affect a relationship. Either between family, friends, or a significant other. In this series we’ll discuss when to post and when to skip it. Today we’re going to talk about the do’s and don’ts of posting about relationships.

Don’t post about meeting the love of your life when you’ve just met and barely know his name.

Don’t share a play-by-play of your first date,  or relationship for that matter. No one needs to know all those details, those are special and personal moments just between the two of you. Also, that guy you were out with? Not pleased either.

Don’t post dramatic updates about the fight you’re having or ask for everyone’s advice. Not. Okay. At all. Again, this is something that is between the two of you and should be solved as such.

Don’t change your relationship status as often as you change your underwear. This is just a blatant plea for attention. And I hate to say it ladies, but a sign of immaturity. If you feel it necessary to change it that often, maybe you shouldn’t be in this, or any, relationship for the time being.

On to the good…..

Do let us know when you’re happy. Who doesn’t want to know that their friends are happy? Just keep the specifics to yourself, those moments are just for the two of you.

Hope this first installment of the series “Think Twice Before You Post” has been helpful, if not entertaining, while you navigate the social media realm. What kind of posts on social networks do you think are big no-no’s?

Welcome to Modern Girl’s Martha!

Hello, friends! This blog is being brought to you by Nadia and Amanda. We’re two best friends who are so excited to be sharing tips and advice with you about how a modern girl views and tackles today’s world. From food to fashion … from crafts to relationships … we’re here to help you navigate these waters with poise, grace and a little modern flare!

As ladies in our late 20’s, and avid blog readers, we found ourselves reading 5 – 6 different blogs each day just to keep updated on all the topics we’re interested in. Then we thought to ourselves, “why isn’t there 1 place where we can find all these things?”, and decided to start up Modern Girl’s Martha. And by “girl”, we don’t mean you have to be a teenager to enjoy this blog. We’ll be focusing on topics geared toward our peers – women in their 20’s and 30’s. But we think women and girls of all ages can find something of interest here… and guys, you can pick up a few things as well!

Check back daily for new posts covering a variety of topics that are relevant to today’s modern girl! Is there anything you’re dying to hear about?

Modern Girls Martha FoundersModern Girl's Martha Amanda & Nadia